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Mode: PC, Tablet, Mobile or TV hiking, photography, audio and computer!
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Software Development

I2C op de PC, historie
Basicode historie
Webdesign, allerlei
Video file saving in Wmv
Save audio in Wma
Matrox Marvel G200
Digital TV DVB-C/S
Media Center remote control
Analog TV and FM radio
Teletext on a PC
Digital TV DVB-T
DirectX and DirectShow
Amcap video capture

Meest gelezen onderwerpen:
Website blog...
Mediastreaming van Windows P...
Pingen en een IP adres vinde...
Gastenboek lezen...
Geluidsapparatuur aansluiten...
UTP, straight en cross ...
Schrijf een bericht...
Windows 7, 8 en 10 in een th...
Gastenboek schrijven...
Een thuisnetwerk aanleggen...

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One of my hobbies was writing webpages and writing computer programs. My first computer program I wrote with Turbo Pascal in 1985. For me Turbo Pascal was real handy because my first IBM compatible PC was far less IBM-PC compatible than I thought it would be. Borland C was next and nowadays it is Visual Studio .Net 2003 and Delphi. The writing of webpages started with Notepad ... With Office 2000 I got Frontpage 2000. Till now, it is still a very useful program.
The following projects from 1985 till now:

Back to the beginning? Click here.

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Date: january 21, 2009